This calculator shows the probability of achieving a completed stone. For basic usage:
- Select target stone then press add. Repeat as desired.
- Tap the stone in-game on the highlighted row.
- Record the in-game outcome by hitting the filled diamond for success, hollow diamond for failure.
- Repeat 2 & 3 until the stone is complete.
Example #1
To configure the calculator for a 7/7/4 or 9/5/4 or 5/9/4:
- Press "Add" next to the default 7, 7, 4 input boxes.
- Set targets to 9, 5, and 4.
- Press "Add".
At this point, "7/7/4", "9/5/4", and "5/9/4" will be in the targets area with a grey background. Clicking on any entry will remove it from the target list.